

1) ANTS IV, Leiden, July 2000.
2) Public Cryptography and Computational Number Theory, Warsawa, Sept. 2000.
3) DMV-seminar `The Riemann zeta-function and Random Matrix Theory', Oberwolfach, Oct. 2000.
     (A  picture of the participants.)


1)  Richard Brauer conference  Taking his ideas into the 21st Century, Stuttgart, 22.3.-24.3.2001.
2)   Gauss day , Ghent, Belgium, 02.5-2001.
3)   Workshop on L-functions and random matrix theory , Palo Alto, California, 14.5-18.5.2001.
4) Random matrix theory and combinatorics, Oberwolfach, 03.6-09.6.2001.
    (A  picture of the participants.) Organisers: P. Diaconis and K. Johansson.
5) Arbeitstagung, Bonn, Germany,13.06-20.06.2001. (Only attended the first two days.)
6)  22nd Journees Arithmetiques , Lille,  France, 2.7-6.7.2001.
*)  European Summer School : Asymptotic combinatorics with applications to mathematical physics,
     St. Petersburg, July 2001. *
7)  Spectral statistics and high-energy eigenstates , CRM, Montreal,  Canada, 25.08-02.09.2001.
8)  L-functions from algebraic geometry , Lorentz centre, Leiden, Netherlands, 17.09-21.09.2001.
9)   Anabelian number theory and geometry , Lorentz centre, Leiden, Netherlands, 03.12-05.12.2001.


1)  38e Nederlands Mathematisch Congres , Eindhoven, 4.4-4.5.2002.
*)  Canadian Number Theory Association-VII Meeting May 19-25, 2002, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques,
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
2)  Workshop on zeta-functions and associated Riemann hypotheses , May 29-June 1, Courant Institute, New York.
3)  Special Activity in Analytic Number Theory , January-June 2002, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn
    (Workshop 24-28 June 2002) . (I plan to go the month of June),
*)  Analytic number theory summer course , July 10-19, 2000, Centraro, Cosenza, Italy.
4)  NWO-OTKA Workshop Explicit Algebraic Number Theory , Sept. 27 - Okt. 2, Leiden, Netherlands.
5)   Explicit algebraic number theory , Nov. 10-16, Oberwolfach, Germany.  Picture


1) Workshop on computational number theory and cryptography, May 12-14, Warsaw.
*)  23nd Journees Arithmetiques , Graz, Austria, July.
2)  Workshop Diophantine Approximation , Leiden, Netherlands, July 28-August 2.
     (Organizers: J.-H. Evertse, F. Beukers and P. Moree).
3) Workshop Information Mathematics of Cryptology, 26 sept.-2 oct., Leiden.


1)  Algorithms and Number Theory , Dagstuhl, Germany, May 16-21.
2) Tagung über elementare und analytische Zahlentheorie, Mainz, May 24-28.
3)  Galois Theory and Arithmetic , Bonn, June 1-4.
4)  From Arithmetic to Cryptology , University of Duisburg-Essen, July 8-10.
5) Workshop on  Matrix Ensembles and L-functions , Newton Institute, Cambridge, July 12-16.


1)  Gauss-Dirichlet conference, Goettingen, June 20-24, 2005.

* = I will not/have not attend(ed) this conference.