Algebra 2 - 2015/16 - Durham


Office: CM245

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Rubik's cube

Rubik's cube by Booyabazooka, CC BY-SA 3.0

The 'big idea' is that the objects which occur in many mathematical problems have extra (possibly well hidden) structure. By finding and utilising this extra structure we can use new tools and techniques to find 'better' solutions. The multilated chessboard problem is an great example of this idea.

The Algebra 2 course is designed to give an introduction to more general abstract algebraic objects such as rings, fields and groups. Last year, in Linear Algebra you had a brief encounter with some group theory when studying modular arithmetic, matrix groups, and permutations. So in this course we can deepen your knowledge of group theory and investigate the more subtle properties of groups.

The prototypical example of a ring is the integers \( \Z \). Much of ring theory can then be seen as an attempt to investigate the essential properties of \( \Z \), as a way to generalise arguments (about divisibilty, primality, irreducibility, GCDs, ...) to other settings. Noteably this leads to the field of algebraic number theory which (predominantly) investigates solutions to Diophantine equations.

Group theory, on the other hand, studies the symmetries of things. These might be explicit symmetries of some geometric object. They can also be more abstract symmetries like \( \sqrt{2} \mapsto -\sqrt{2} \), which interchanges the roots of \( 1 \pm \sqrt{2} \) of \( x^2 - 2x - 1 \). Studying the symmetries of solutions to polynomial equations gives rise to the field of Galois theory, and deep results about (un)solvability of degree 5 polynomials in radicals. With some knowledge of group theory, you can even discover your own solution to the Rubik's cube by working (implicitly) with the Rubik's cube group!

Slides from tutorials

Handouts from tutorials

Tutorial summaries

Revision Tutorial 2 - Week 21 - 3 May 2016 - Group theory revision

We covered Question 9 from the 2012 Exam. The slides have some more material about question 10iii,iv) from 2014, and question 4iii) and question 5i,ii) from 2012, which might be helpful.

Revision Tutorial 1 - Week 20 - 26 Apr 2016 - Ring theory revision

We covered Question 7 from the 2012 Exam, and Question 8 from the 2014 Exam.

Tutorial 9 - Week 19 - 15 Mar 2016 - Finitely generated abelian groups

Here are the slides from the recap and warmup questions. Firstly I reminded you of the statement of the Fundamental Theorem for Finitely Generated Abelian groups, which states (roughly) that every such group is a product of cyclic groups. Then we talked about the method by which we take a group defined by generators and relations, and attempt to write it in this special form.

I tried to motivate why the integer row and column operations are the right thing to use - they correspond to manipulating relations, and subsituting to change generators. Notice \( 2x = 0 \) and \( x = 0 \) are not equivalent in a group (e.g. \( \Z/2 \)), so we can only multiply a relation by \( \pm 1 \). Then repeatedly subtracting one relation from another gives only integer multiplies on the row operations. Also since \( \langle 2x \rangle \neq \langle x \rangle \), we can only substitute a generator with \( x = \pm x' \), and add/subtract integer multiples of other generators.

Extra: The following notes on Finitely Generated Abelian Groups, part of Christopher Cooper's Group Theory course, give a good explaination of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups. (Be aware the notation is different from our course!) Section 10.3 talks about column operations in terms of substituting new generators. In Section 10.4, Theorem 2 proves that every marix can be made diagonal using elementary row and column operations, by giving a recursive procedure. You can see an instance of this in Example 9 directly following Theorem 2. Section 10.8 gives a nice example of where Finitely Generate Abelian Groups appear elsewhere in mathematics: the Alexander Group of a Knot. If you're doing Geometric Topology, this might give some motivation. You can read more about the Alexander Group, in Cooper's Topology notes.

Extra: Another reason why Finitely Generated Abelian Groups are worth investigating is because they are one of the only general classes of groups that we fully understand. Non-abelian groups are difficult: there are 49,487,365,422 groups of order \( 2^{10} = 1024 \), but only 42 of these are abelian. So trying to classify non-abelian groups is a mammoth task, there is no good explicit classification in this case. But we have FTFGAG in the abelian case.

Tutorial 8 - Week 17 - 1 Mar 2016 - Group actions and Conjugation

Here are the slides from the recap and warmup questions. We recalled the definition of a group action, and some important concepts associated to it, namely orbits and stabilisers. We also recalled (a corollary) of the Orbit-Stabiliser Theorem which relates the size of the orbit, the size of the stabiliser and the size of the group.

If you're still not convinced group through might be useful, try reading the following short discussion 'Why is group theory important?'.

Tutorial 7 - Week 15 - 16 Feb 2016 - Distinguishing and identifying groups

Here are the slides from the recap and warmup questions. We covered a list of properties which two isomorphic groups have to share. This gives us a useful tool for distinguishing different groups. But I warned you that the properties matching is NOT enough to conclude the groups are isomorphic. You need a proof.

At the end I gave out a handout which deals with showing the groups \( \Q \) and \( \Q \times \Q \) are not isomorphic. And showing that \( \R \) and \( \R \times \R \) are isomorphic (if you accept the Axiom of Choice).

Tutorial 6 - Week 13 - 2 Feb 2016 - Symmetric and Cyclic groups

Here are the slides from the recap and warmup questions. I tried to remind you about permutations, including how to multiply them, how to write them as disjoint cycles, and how to write them as transpositions. I also reminded you about orders of elements, and that the order of an element divides the order of the group.

Tutorial 5 - Week 11 - 19 Jan 2016 - Checking for groups

Here are the slides from the recap and warmup questions. This tutorial was mostly meant to be a recap of the group theory from first year Linear Algebra. Before jumping into the definition of a group, I tried to motivate it as a way to mathematically describe symmetries (using a cube as an example).

We spent most of the time checking (tediously) whether or not various things were groups. For the most part, there were no real problems.

I also gave out a handout which shows how the group axioms contain some redundancies. With three short questions, you will show how to derive the group axioms from a `right-sided' only version. Or from a 'left-sided' only version.

Checking associativity: Associativity cannot be read off visually from the multipication table. Even if every row/column has no repetitions, as is the case for groups, associativity is not guaranteed. For example \begin{array}{c|ccccc} \circ & e & w & x & y & z \\ \hline e & e & w & x & y & z \\ w & w & e & y & z & x \\ x & x & z & e & w & y \\ y & y & x & z & e & w \\ z & z & y & w & x & e \end{array} Here \( e \) is the identity element, and every element is self inverse \( g^{-1} = g \). But the operation is not associative because \( w \circ (w \circ x) = w \circ y = z \) and \( (w \circ w) \circ x = e \circ x = x \). In this example, associativity fails in a total of 32 cases!

To give you an idea of how difficult associativity is to check for \( \Z \), here is a proof that addition of natural numbers is associative. The proof uses the Peano axioms to define \( \mathbb{N} \), and then proves addition is associative using indiction. And now you must define \( \Z \) in terms of \( \mathbb{N} \), to use this result.

Tutorial 4 - Week 9 - 08 Dec 2015 - Prime and maximal ideals

Here are the slides from the recap and warmup questions. I started out with a recap of the definition of prime and maximal ideals. The idea of a prime ideal is a kind of generalisation of a prime number, with \( a \in I \) corresponding to \( p \mid a \). A maximal ideal can be thought of as `larger' than all comparable ideals if we think of \( \subset \) as `smaller'.

Then I recalled an important result (Proposition 15.4) which connects these type of ideals to specific behaviour in the quotient ring. An ideal \( I \subset R \) is prime if and only if \( R/I \) is an integral domain. An ideal \( I \subset R \) is maximal if and only if \( R/I \) is a field. Depending in the situation we may know the ideal type, and use this to say something about the quotient. In other cases, we may know what the quotient is and use this to say something about the ideal.

With one group I draw some pictures to help illustrate how quotient rings work. I discussed tutorial questions with some groups, and one of the homework questions with another group.

We didn't really get around to questions 3 or 4, which is a little unfortunate. Please come and ask me about these questions during the office hours!

Tutorial 3 - Week 7 - 24 Nov 2015 - Quotient rings and ideals

Here are the slides from the recap and warmup questions. I started with a recap about ideals and quotient rings. I reminded you about the definition of an ideal using the 'black-hole' conditions. (I also mentioned the fact that ideals must be non-empty, which is missing from Dr Stasinski's notes.) Then we saw how to define quotient rings. An ideal \( I \) gives a notion of equivalence in the ring \( R \). We can define operations on equivalence classes, to make the set of equivalence classes into a ring, the quotient ring.

I tried to convince you that you are already familiar with some quotient rings. I showed how elements in \( \mathbb{R}[x] / (x^2 + 1)_{\mathbb{R}[x]} \) correspond to complex numbers. The different elements in an equivalence class just corresond to different ways of writing a complex number, using \( i^2 = -1 \) to simplify expressions.

Lastly, I have a recap of ideals generated by elements. In some sense, \( (a_1, \ldots, a_n)_R \) is the smallest ideal containing \( a_1, \ldots, a_n \). This gives us a way of showing two ideals are equal just by working with their generators. We do this by showing the generators of one idea are already contained in the other, and vice-versa.

Tutorial 2 - Week 5 - 10 Nov 2015 - Polynomial irreducibility

Here are the slides from the recap and warmup questions. I reminded you about how degree 2, 3 and 4 polynomials can factor. We saw degree 2 and 3 polynomials are irredubile if and only if they have no root. But degree 4 polynomials can still factor as quadratic \( \times \) quadratic. Remember to check this possibility.

I also reminded you of the Rational Root Theorem, for finding a complete list of candidates for the rational roots of a polynomial. Check by substituting in, to see if they give roots.

Lastly, I talked about the Eisenstein criterion as a powerful way of proving some polynomials are irreducible. If you see high degree polynomials, \( \geq 5 \) say, then Eisenstein is usually a good idea.

Tutorial 1 - Week 3 - 27 Oct 2015 - Introduction to rings