WIQI ("What Is?" + Question + Ice-cream) topology seminar

Time: Each week on Friday from 12.45 to 14.00.

Place: MPIM seminar room (beside the main lecture hall).

Kaif og Andrea

Organizers (add @mpim-bonn.mpg.de to the usernames):

Mathematical schedule:


Food schedule: Ice-cream will be available at the end of the seminar at 14:00 in the tearoom. The organizers expect to raise about 0.40 Euro per serving of ice-cream. Optionally, people may also choose to gather for lunch at 12:15 at the MPIM tearoom before the seminar.

How it works


Date Speaker Title
10.5.2024 Ningchuan Zhang Equivariant Moore spectra
3.5.2024 Yordan Toshev Approaches to homotopy colimits
26.4.2024 No talk (clash with MPIM Math-Phys Seminar and NRW topology meeting)
19.4.2024 Andrea Bianchi Line bundles over the Whitehead space
12.4.2024 Viktoriya Ozornova Recovering equivalences in higher categories
5.4.2024 Itamar Mor Filtrations on the exotic Picard group of a ring spectrum
29.3.2024 No talk (Good Friday)
22.3.2024 Vignesh Subramanian An example of large commutative I-complete spectrum
15.3.2024 Sinem Celik Open book decompositions and related problems
8.3.2024 Kaif Hilman Segal objects and algebras in spans
1.3.2024 Nate Bottman How algebraic structures emerge from moduli of J-holomorphic curves
23.2.2024 Qi Zhu What is a fractured topos?
16.2.2024 Yuqing Shi Operadic suspension
9.2.2024 Ningchuan Zhang What are the Picard group and space of an E2-ring spectrum?
2.2.2024 Christian Kremer What is proper homotopy theory?
26.1.2024 David Aretz Equivariant vector bundles in supergeometry
19.1.2024 Raffael Stenzel Reedy cofibrancy of simplicial objects
12.1.2024 Emma Brink Equivariant oriented bordism
15.12.2023 Dominik Kirstein Spaces and Categories of Poincaré embeddings
8.12.2023 Hyeonhee Jin Embedding calculus and string links - induction on the number of strings
1.12.2023 Karandeep Singh L structures on Tor through Koszul resolutions
24.11.2023 Yash Deshmukh Symplectic cohomology TFT via Kan extensions
17.11.2023 Nikolai Konovalov What is the smash product?
10.11.2023 Daniel Bermudez Equivariant operads, E2fr-algebras and balanced braided monoidal (bi)categories
3.11.2023 Sil Linskens Tiny objects in Top[homotopy equivalences-1]