WIQI ("What Is?" + Question + Ice-cream) topology seminar

Time: Each week on Friday from 12.45 to 14.30.

Place: MPIM seminar room (beside the main lecture hall).

Mailing list: if you want to be added to the mailing list of the seminar, please contact one of the organizers.

Kaif og Andrea

Organizers (add @mpim-bonn.mpg.de to the usernames):

Thomas and friends

Past organizers:

New mathematical schedule:


Food schedule: Ice-cream will be available at the end of the seminar at 14:30 in the tearoom. The organizers expect to raise about 0.50 Euro per serving of ice-cream. Optionally, people may also choose to gather for lunch at 12:15 at the MPIM tearoom before the seminar.

How it works now

Old calendar


Date Speaker Title
28.2.2025 Emmanuel Farjoun Is there a co-Hurewicz?
21.2.2025 No seminar (both organizers are away)
14.2.2025 No seminar (both organizers are away)
7.2.2025 Andrea Bianchi Cores of localisations of -categories
31.1.2025 Kaif Hilman Simplicial unstraightening
24.1.2025 Kaif Hilman Compactness without currying
17.1.2025 Andrea Bianchi Symmetric monoidal extensions of -categories
10.1.2025 Dominik Kirstein Presentable and copresentable -categories
20.12.2024 No seminar (Christmas break)
13.12.2024 Thomas Blom The operad of overlapping discs and the sphere operad
6.12.2024 Thomas Blom Different models for (,)-categories
29.11.2024 Kaif Hilman Generalisations of Quillen's Theorem A
22.11.2024 David Aretz Group algebras and Morita categories
15.11.2024 No seminar (Workshop on unstable homotopy theory)
8.11.2024 Thomas Blom Automorphisms of the category of operads
1.11.2024 No seminar (Hallowmas)
25.10.2024 Andrea Bianchi Does hAut(S2) lift to its Z/2-equivariant version?