Personal homepage of Ferdinand Wagner

Max-Planck Insitute for Mathematics
Vivatsgasse 7
53111 Bonn, Germany

Office 404
or University of Bonn/Mathematical Insitute
Endenicher Allee 60
53115 Bonn, Germany

Office N2.006

ferdinand dot wagner at uni-bonn dot de

Me giving an exercise session. I'm currently a PhD student at the University of Bonn/MPI Bonn, under the supervision of Peter Scholze. I'm interested in cohomology theories for arithmetic schemes, especially in the global (as opposed to \(p\)-adic) case. I'm also a huge fan of applying higher categorical and homotopical methods to algebra problems.

Doctoral thesis

I'm trying to construct a version of \(q\)-de Rham cohomology that already lives over the Habiro ring \[\mathcal H=\lim_{m\in\mathbb N}\mathbb Z[q]_{(q^m-1)}^\wedge\] rather than the power series ring \(\mathbb Z[[q-1]]\). Interestingly, this seems to have a connection to knot theory and the quantum modularity conjectures of Garoufalidis and Zagier. In particular, the desired cohomology theory should recover their generalised Habiro rings when evaluated on étale \(\mathbb Z\)-algebras. I would also like to understand more about this mysterious connection.

Previous writings