Short CV:

My full CV is available upon request.

At ETH Zurich I was co-organizer of the Geometry Graduate Colloquium and part of the VMM board.
You can find a link to my doctoral thesis "On notions of braid positivity and knot concordance" on my research page. My advisor was Peter Feller and (from 2022 on) my second advisor was Lukas Lewark.
My master thesis "Massey products and linking numbers" and my bachelor thesis "Das Existenzproblem von Hurwitz" at the University of Ulm were both supervised by Stefan Wewers.

Some pictures

Here are some pictures of places I traveled to for math or visited along the way: Basel | Berlin | Budapest | ETH Zurich | Florence | London (photo credit: Sofiya Yatsyna) | Oberwolfach | Oxford | and a tree (?!) there | Paris | Pisa | Regensburg | Trieste | Ventotene
and some other things I like: hiking 1 2 3 | and mountain views in general | plants (this one is at the MPI) | skiing 1 2 | sea | sunsets | Swiss (!) public transport | table tennis 1 (photo credits: René Zwald & Jonas von Sachs) 2 | tea