Selected Talks

  • 03/2024: Differentiation of elastic diffeological groupoids, 59th Seminar Sophus Lie, Institute of Mathematics, University of Wuerzburg

  • 06/2023: L-infinity algebroids of higher groupoids in tangent categories, Representations in higher structures, University of Greifswald

  • 02/2023: Differentiation of higher Lie groupoids, Weekly Poisson workshops, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

  • 12/2022: Higher Lie algebroids as ends in tangent categories, Atelier on higher structures in differential geometry, Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude-Bernard Lyon

  • 07/2022: L-infinity algebroids of higher groupoids in tangent categories, Oberseminar Geometrie, University of Wuerzburg

  • 06/2022: The Van Est isomorphism, IMPRS seminar, MPIM Bonn

  • 11/2021: Lie algebroid cohomology, representations and morphisms, IMPRS seminar, MPIM Bonn

  • 08/2021: The Lie algebroids of diffeological groupoids , A finite and infinite-dimensional meeting on Lie groupoids, Poisson geometry and integrability, Wolfgang Pauli Institute, Vienna (online)

  • 05/2020: Introduction to supermanifolds and the de Rham complex, IMPRS seminar, MPIM Bonn

  • 12/2019: L-algebras in multisymplectic geometry; The simplicial Maurer-Cartan functor, IMPRS seminar, MPIM Bonn

  • 05/2019: Operadic bar-cobar adjunction, IMPRS seminar, MPIM Bonn

  • 11/2018: The model category dgLa, Learning seminar on deformation theory, MPIM Bonn

  • 01/2018: Deformations of group and groupoid representations, Geometry seminar, University of Göttingen

  • 11/2017: Deformations of group and groupoid representations, Master’s thesis seminar, MPIM Bonn

  • 07/2017: Deformations of Lie group actions, Master’s thesis seminar, MPIM Bonn

  • 06/2017: Geometrical constructions using only a ruler, Basic notions seminar, Bonn International Graduate School of Mathematics

  • 04/2016: Central functions and characters, Seminar on representation theory of the symmetric group, University of Bonn

  • 02/2016: Volume of minimal submanifolds, Seminar on Steklov eigenvalues and minimal surfaces, University of Bonn

  • 10/2015: Ambrose-Singer theorem, Seminar on geometric quantization, University of Bonn

  • 04/2015: Fuchsian groups, Seminar on translation surfaces, University of Bonn

  • 04/2014: Geometrical constructions using only a ruler, Higher geometry course, American University of Beirut