If you have any questions about my experience in the Bachelor’s or Master’s programme in Bonn and my start into research, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Outreach, Mentorship and Diversity

I find that unfortunately, many people I meet do not have a conception (or instead a misconception) of what mathematics looks like both as a research field and a study subject. This can deter school students from studying mathematics, especially those who belong to groups that are already underrepresented in the field. I’m always happy to share infos, advice and personal opinions, for example over email.

Furthermore, I believe mentorship and networking among undergraduate, graduate and PhD students to be critical tools to promote talents and diversify the research environment to the benefit of mathematicians individually and mathematics as a whole.


  • since 2023: Member of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness working group (joint at University of Bonn and MPIM Bonn)
  • 31.03.2023: Volunteering at the GROW@Bonn 2023 conference
  • starting 2023: Member of the program commitee for a conference during the Diversity Days at the University of Bonn in 2024
  • starting 2020: Mentoring of a Bachelor’s student during the transition to the Master’s (programme for the promotion of women in mathematics at the University of Bonn)

Young Talents

I support the “Landesverband Mathematikwettbewerbe NRW e.V.” (LvM), an organisation that hosts mathematical competitions and supports promising young talents among school students, and other initiatives with similar goals. My contributions include going on seminars to give talks or lectures on interesting mathematical subjects and methods. I have also organised or partially organised seminars like these myself. All the activities mentioned here are honorary.


  • 09.06.2022-10.06.2022: Lectures at the summer camp of the LvM (on the Chinese Remainder Theorem and the Extended Euklidean Algorithm for 8th grade)
  • 27.02.2022: Marking exams for the mathematics olympiad in NRW (state-level competition, i.e. 3rd round), hosted by the LvM